Dark Maiden
Haunting and horrifying, the tale keeps readers engaged all the way to the shocking end. Intertwined with Native American lore Dark Maiden weaves a seducing chilling tale. Dark Maiden grabs you at the first page the story sets us up in 16th century Maine, Onata Village. Conner gave readers a tale of a bewitching beautiful Maiden seen by the lake by four sisters under the moonlight. Dark Maiden takes you from past to present to past to tell this horrifying curse tale. Readers need to pay attention during the time transitions, but readers engrossed with fantastic writing you cannot put down.
Dark Maiden has taken a Native American legend and created the most intense story of ghosts and horror and things that go bump in the night.
Although a somber tone permeates the book, there is a recurring theme of loyalty and resilience. Each character exhibits self-determination, fortitude, and resourcefulness until the conclusion. You grow to love each person as if you belong to the fight against evil forces. Full of surprises and character growth readers will love the tale.
Product Details
ISBN- 13:9798986480084
Publisher: Black Raptor Books
Publication date: 02/01/2024
Pages: 234
Product dimensions: 5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x 0.49(d)